
MD&M West Show - AIT

Advanced Integrated Technologies will be exhibiting February 9-11, 2016 at the MD&M West (Medical Design and Manufacturing) show in Anaheim California. We will have both hot bar soldering equipment and fine resistance spot welding equipment on display. We will also be showing our new two position rotary indexer at the show this year.…/two-position-rotary-indexer . Come see us at booth 2295 !

Free Test Welds

Typically when a customer approaches Advanced Integrated Technologies about buying a new spot welder we recommend doing some test welds.  Some welding applications are straight forward and we can recommend a welder that will do the job.  But in many cases the application isn't straight forward, and we like to make sure that we are providing a welder that will give the expected results.  At AIT we offer free test welds to anyone that is shopping for a new spot welder.  You can find more information about spot welders by going to and reading about the different kinds of welders and what applications they are used for.

Hot-bar Reflow Soldering - Increasing Through-put

Let's face it, the hot bar soldering process isn't usually quick.  It takes whatever time it takes, whether that's 5 seconds per cycle or 25 seconds.  But one way to get more volume through your hot bar soldering equipment is to decrease the time between soldering cycles.  The time during which an operator is unloading a finished product and loading the components for the next cycle, is essentially wasted time.  By using a rotary indexer with indential nests on each side of the table, you can have the operator loading and unloading product WHILE the soldering cycle is taking place.  Take a look at the two position rotary indexer offered by Advanced Integrated Technologies on this page and you'll see how efficient this method can be. 

ACF Bonding - getting enough pressure

ACF Bonding is different from hot bar soldering.  Even though they use the same type of equipment, ACF bonding requires a higher degree of planarity and also typically requires more pressure.  You need to run the calculations for how much pressure is required for the anisotropic conductive film that you'll be using and make sure the Hot Bar equipment you are looking at will apply enough force.  Since pressure is force divided by area, larger hot bars require a lot more force to achieve enough pressure.  Hot bars up to 6" long can require a few hundred pounds of force.  Keep this in mind and do the math when you look at ACF bonding equipment.  Learn more about this at

CNC Machining Services

Advanced Integrated Technologies offers CNC machining service for a variety of industries.  We utilize both CNC milling centers and 5 axis CNC turning centers to complete our customer requirements and deliver products on time.  AIT has recently acquired a new optical measuring device called a Smart Scope.  This, combined with our CMM capabilities, as well as other standard measurment methods, helps us insure that customer's products are built to spec the first time.  Contact AIT today to inquire about our CNC machining services and to request a quote.

5 axis turned part

About Us

Advanced Integrated Technologies is essentially a manufacturing service company with two major divisions. The resistance welding and reflow soldering tool division grew out of our early work building micro tools for Hughes Aircraft. About the time that Microsoft was turning computers into a household item, computer hardware manufacturers were looking for companies to build reflow tools used in the assembly of hard drives and other components.

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Get in touch

Address: 361 Industrial Drive, Mountain View, AR 72560

FAX: +1 888 495 5116

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